Sunday 25 December 2011

1.if die mengamuk baling2 brg,try awk la msenye awk tnjuk kepantasan jd gol keper.
2.if die mule jerit tibe2,awk nyanyi la msenye awk tnjuk suare awk sehebat Black (Mentor).
3.if die tgk mcm nk telan,awk smile je tgk dia..bru die nmpak kecomelan awk..
4.if die nk lari umah,tlg kemaskn brg die la msenye awk tnjuk betape rajinnye awk.
5.if die cry sbb skt ati,awk gelak kuat2 b' la bukti awk usahe wat die hepi time die sedg b'duka.
  • Tipsnya Senang Sahaja .
  • Tak Perlu Beli Pencuci Muka Yang Mahal - Mahal Pun :)
  • ~ Bangun awal pagi untuk solat subuh . Air wuduk yang mengenai muka boleh menegangkan kulit .
  • ~ Menunaikan solat zohor di tengah hari . Air wuduk yang mengenai muka boleh mencerahkan mata .
  • ~ Tidak melalaikan solat Asar di waktu petang . Air wuduk yang mengenai muka boleh membersihkan kekotoran asap & habuk siang .
  • ~ Tidak berlengah untuk solat maghrib . Air wuduk yang mengenai muka boleh menghilangkan bau di hidung & mulut .
  • ~ Sentiasa ingat solat Isya' di waktu malam . Air wuduk yang mengenai muka boleh menceriakan wajah dari kemungkaran .
  • ~ Memang Banyak Rahsia Dan Kebaikan Jika Kita Selalu Mengikuti Apa Yang Disuruh Allah S.W.T .
  • Tapi , Sayang . Masih Ramai Belum Menyedarinya

Tuesday 6 December 2011


(˙˙●., ♥ Hatiku seperti buku ,,.Di halaman pertama aku tulis nama Tuhan dan orang tuaku, krn tnp mereka-- aku tak ada di dunia ini...
♥ Dihalaman selanjutnya aku tulis nama teman temanku, krn mereka sangat berarti buatku
♥ Lalu ku buka sampai bagian tengah, ku tulis nama orang yg prnh menyakitiku-- krn bagian tengah mudah dirobek dan dibuang..
♥ Dan halaman terakhir ku tulis namamu, krn kamu akan menjadi seseorang yg sangat bererti selamanya dan sampai akhir cerita buku kehidupanku..
(˙˙●., ♥♥♥♥♥ ,.●˙˙)

Monday 5 December 2011


Jangan makan SUSU + DAGING
Jangan makan DAGING + IKAN
Jangan makan IKAN + SUSU
Jangan makan AYAM + SUSU
Jangan makan IKAN + TELUR
Jangan makan IKAN + DAUN SALAD
Jangan makan SUSU + CUKA
Jangan makan BUAH + SUSU CTH :- KOKTEL




Sunday 4 December 2011


E-commerce pertama kali diperkenalkan pada tahun 1994 pada saat pertama kali banner-elektronik dipakai untuk tujuan promosi dan periklanan di suatu halaman-web (website). Menurut Riset Forrester, perdagangan elektronik menghasilkan penjualan seharga AS$12,2 milyar pada 2003. Menurut laporan yang lain pada bulan oktober 2006 yang lalu, pendapatan ritel online yang bersifat non-travel di Amerika Serikat diramalkan akan mencapai seperempat trilyun dolar US pada tahun 2011.
Dalam banyak kasus yang ada . sebuah perusahaan e-commerce bisa bertahan lama tidak hanya cuma mengandalkan kekuatan produk dari jasa e-commers saja, tapi dengan adanya sebuah tim manajemen yang handal dan menagandalkan kepintaran masing masing , pengiriman yang tepat waktu, pelayanan sangat bagus, struktur organisasi bisnis yang baik, jaringan infrastruktur dan keamanan terpenuhi , desain situs web yang bagus, beberapa faktor yang termasuk:
  • . Menyediakan harga yang sangat kompetitif
  • . Menyediakan jasa pembelian yang tanggap, cepat, ramah.,dan tidak bertele tele
  •  Menyediakan informasi barang dan jasa yang lengkap dan jelas.
  •  Menyediakan banyak bonus seperti kupon, penawaran istimewa, diskaun ,doorprize
  •  Memberikan perhatian khusus seperti usulan pembelian.
  • . Menyediakan rasa komunitas untuk berdiskusi, masukan dari pelanggan, dan lain-lain.
  • . Mempermudah kegiatan perdagangan e-commers 


31/12/2011 - ahad: 2.30 ptg - process writing,
04/01/2012 - rabu: 9.00pg - undang2 syarikat,
09/01/2012 - isnin: 8.30mlm - information technology,
10/01/2012 - selasa: 9.00pg - finance,
11/01/2012 - rabu: 8.30mlm - teori dan amalan perniagaan islam,
12/01/2012 - khamis: 2.30ptg - prinsip ekonomi,
19/01/2012 - khamis: 9.00pg - pengurusan pemasaran

Friday 2 December 2011

~~~ AURAT ~~~

Dialog dua wanita ( yg Buka Aurat vs Tutup Aurat ):

BA: Aku tetap nak buka aurat!
TA: Aku tetap nak tutup.

BA: Orang suka aku buka. Cantik katanya.
TA: Ada orang kata tak cantik tutup?

BA: Buka ni fesyen.
TA: Tutup still boleh berfesyen.

BA: Bila buka, ramai terpikat. Jodoh senang.
TA: Tutup - lebih ramai terpikat. Jodoh senang dpt yg soleh.

BA: Ketinggalan zaman tutup2 ni.
TA: Arahan al-Quran tak lapuk dek zaman.

BA: Dah rasa baik sangatla tu tutup aurat tu.
TA: Ada aku kata ko tak baik? Atau ko sendiri yg tetibe rasa diri tak baik?

BA: Tutup pun kena fitnah gak. Mulut cam harem fitnah org gak yg tutup aurat ni.
TA: Jika yg buka kena 1 juta fitnah, tutup kena 10 fitnah. Mana ko nak? Jgn salahkan majoriti bila minoriti yg mulut macam tu.

BA: Apasal nak tutup lak? Keindahan ni Allah bagi.
TA: Lebih indah di pandangan suami halal.

BA: Tak sedia lah nak tutup.
TA: Tak mengapa. Kain kapan sedia menutupi bila2 masa. Sedia atau tidak sedia


  • For most businesses, there are a variety of requirements for information. Senior managers need information to help with their business planning. Middle management need more detailed information to help them monitor and control business activities. Employees with operational roles need information to help them carry out their duties.
  • As a result, businesses tend to have several "information systems" operating at the same time. This revision note highlights the main categories of information system and provides some examples to help you distinguish between them.

  • The main kinds of information systems in business are described briefly below:
Executive Support Systems
  • An Executive Support System ("ESS") is designed to help senior management make strategic decisions. It gathers, analyses and summarises the key internal and external information used in the business.
  • A good way to think about an ESS is to imagine the senior management team in an aircraft cockpit - with the instrument panel showing them the status of all the key business activities. ESS typically involve lots of data analysis and modelling tools such as "what-if" analysis to help strategic decision-making.
Management Information Systems
  • management information system ("MIS") is mainly concerned with internal sources of information. MIS usually take data from the transaction processing systems (see below) and summarise it into a series of management reports.
  • MIS reports tend to be used by middle management and operational supervisors.
Decision-Support Systems
  • Decision-support systems ("DSS") are specifically designed to help management make decisions in situations where there is uncertainty about the possible outcomes of those decisions. DSS comprise tools and techniques to help gather relevant information and analyse the options and alternatives. DSS often involves use of complex spreadsheet and databases to create "what-if" models.
Knowledge Management Systems
  • Knowledge Management Systems ("KMS") exist to help businesses create and share information. These are typically used in a business where employees create new knowledge and expertise - which can then be shared by other people in the organisation to create further commercial opportunities. Good examples include firms of lawyers, accountants and management consultants.
  • KMS are built around systems which allow efficient categorisation and distribution of knowledge. For example, the knowledge itself might be contained in word processing documents, spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations. internet pages or whatever. To share the knowledge, a KMS would use group collaboration systems such as an intranet.
Transaction Processing Systems
  • As the name implies, Transaction Processing Systems ("TPS") are designed to process routine transactions efficiently and accurately. A business will have several (sometimes many) TPS; for example:
- Billing systems to send invoices to customers
- Systems to calculate the weekly and monthly payroll and tax payments
- Production and purchasing systems to calculate raw material requirements
- Stock control systems to process all movements into, within and out of the business
Office Automation Systems
  • Office Automation Systems are systems that try to improve the productivity of employees who need to process data and information. Perhaps the best example is the wide range of software systems that exist to improve the productivity of employees working in an office (e.g. Microsoft Office XP) or systems that allow employees to work from home or whilst on the move.


  1. dapat melahirkan masyarakat yang berpendidikan dan berpengetahuan.
  2. sebagai alat perniagaan dan sosial.
  3. sebagai syarat untuk penyertaan dalam persaingan dan perkembangan ekonomi, sosial dan pendidikan.
  4. mampu memperoleh segala informasi yang diperlukan.
  5. merapatkan hubungan sesama manusia.
  6. merapatkan jurang pemisahan antara guru dengan pelajar.
  7. menjadi pemangkin kepada perkembangan industri dan ekonomi tempatan.
  8. dapat menggalakkan pengaliran wang asing ke negara kita.
  9. dapat memajukan sistem pertahanan dan keselamatan negara.
  10. berjaya meningkatkan kualiti hidup rakyat.
  • mampu menjimatkan bayaran kos komunikasi.
  • negara dipandang tinggi oleh kawan dan lawan.
Measuring IT Success
  1. Efficiency
  2. Effectiveness

Challenges & Ethics of IT
  1. Applications of IT
  2. Potential Harm
  3. Potential Risks
  4. Possible Responses

The IS Function
  • a major functional area of business
  • an important contributor to operational efficiency, employee productivity, morale, customer service & satisfaction
  • a major source of information & support for decision making
  • a vital ingredient in developing competitive products & services in the global marketplace 
  • a dynamic & challenging career opportunity
  • a key component of today networked business

What is a System?
  • a set of interrelated components
  • with a clearly defined boundary
  • to achieve a common set of objectives
  • by accepting inputs & producing outpu


Pensel : Saya minta maaf.
Pemadam : Utk apa? Awak x buat salah pun.
Pensel : Saya minta maaf disebabkan saya, awak cedera. Setiap kali saya buat silap, awak pasti berada di situ utk membetulkan kesilapan saya. Tapi setiap kali awak memadam kesilapan saya, awak kehilangan sebahagian dari diri awak. Awak menjadi semakin kecil.
Pemadam : Itu betul, tapi saya langsung x kisah tentangnya kerana saya dibuat utk membetulkan kesilapan yg awak buat. Walaupun suatu hari nanti saya tahu yg saya pasti akan hilang, saya berbangga dengan kerja saya ini. Jadi janganlah risau. Saya xmahu melihat awk brsedih. :)

Random Access Memory (RAM)

There's too much "stuff" on your computer's hard disk to use it all at the same time. During the average session sitting at the computer, you'll probably use only a small amount of all that's available. The stuff you're working with at any given moment is stored in random access memory (often abbreviated RAM, and often called simply "memory"). The advantage using RAM to store whatever you're working on at the moment is that RAM is very fast. Much faster than any disk. For you, "fast" translates to less time waiting and more time being productive.

So if RAM is so fast, why not put everything in it? Why have a hard disk at all? The answer to that lies in the fact that RAM is volatile. As soon as the computer is shut off, whether intentionally or by an accidental power outage, every thing in RAM disappears, just as quickly as a light bulb goes out when the plug is pulled. So you don't want to rely on RAM to hold everything. A disk, on the other hand, holds its information whether the power is on or off.

The Hard Disk

All of the information that's "in your computer", so to speak, is stored on your computer's hard disk. You never see that actual hard disk because it's sealed inside a special housing and needs to stay that way. Unlike RAM, which is volatile, the hard disk can hold information forever -- with or without electricity. Most modern hard disks have tens of billions of bytes of storage space on them. Which, in English, means that you can create, save, and download files for months or years without using up all the storage space it provides.
In the unlikely event that you do manage to fill up your hard disk, Windows will start showing a little message on the screen that reads "You are running low on disk space" well in advance of any problems.  In fact, if that message appears, it won't until you're down to about 800 MB of free space. And 800 MB of empty space is equal to about 600 blank floppy disks. That's still plenty of room!

The Mouse

Obviously you know how to use your mouse, since you must have used it to get here. But let's take a look at the facts and buzzwords anyway. Your mouse probably has at least two buttons on it. The button on the left is called the primary mouse button, the button on the right is called the secondary mouse button or just the right mouse button. I'll just refer to them as the left and right mouse buttons. Many mice have a small wheel between the two mouse buttons.


Buktikan!!! Biarpun 100 orang, 1,000 orang, 10,000 orang nak tengok kita gagal TETAPI ada 2
sebelum mereka menghembuskan nafas dan menutup mata. Buktikan pada mereka bahawa
zuriat yang mereka lahirkan ini adalah zuriat yang sangat HEBAT

Thursday 1 December 2011


Perkembangan teknologi berlangsung secara evolutif. Sejak zaman Romawi Kuno pemikiran dan hasil kebudayaan telah nampak berorientasi menuju bidang teknologi. Secara etimologis, akar kata teknologi adalah "techne" yang berarti serangkaian prinsip atau metode rasional yang berkaitan dengan pembuatan suatu objek, atau kecakapan tertentu, atau pengetahuan tentang prinsip-prinsip atau metode dan seni.Istil ah teknologi sendiri untuk pertama kali dipakai oleh Philips pada tahun 1706 dalam sebuah buku berjudul Teknologi: Diskripsi Tentang Seni-Seni, Khususnya Mesin (Technology: A Description Of The Arts, Especially The Mechanical).


  • people
  • hardware
  • software
  • Network
  • Data resources
  • Policies & procedure 

  • Data management
  • hardware
  • software
  • network
1. Jika kita marah - TOPUP wuduk untuk menyejukkan jiwa.
2. Jika kita bingung - KLIK doa agar tenang hati.
3. Jika kita dipuji - RELOAD syukur supaya tidak alpa.
4. Jika kita gagal - DOWNLOAD usaha untuk memberi semangat.
5. Jika kita kecewa - RESTART tenaga agar sentiasa sedar.
6. Jika kita bersedih - SELECT ibu bapa untuk meluah perasaan.
7. Jika kita berdosa - UNDO perangai itu dan bersolat taubat.
8. Jika kita berdendam - DELETE buruk sangka supaya bersih hati.
9. Jika kita berbohong - BACKSPACE kata-kata untuk memperbetulkan keadaan.
10. Jika kita buat maksiat - REGISTER SOFTWARE sikap baru dan bertaubat nasuha..